Keto Foods

When changing your diet, or better yet, the way you eat and nourish yourself. Keep in mind that your gut, those few pounds of bacteria that breakdown your food, will change over time. It is called the Gut Micro Biome. And if they are used to certain foods, these bacteria will crave it. This is why changing the way you eat can be difficult at first. Which is why it is recommended you change your foods slowly so your body can adapt to the new foods. Then new bacteria can grow to adjust for these new foods. If you rush it, you may cause yourself some stomach and diarrhea.

For those struggling with sugar addiction, and by that I also mean all kinds of carbs. Bread, cookies, treats, candy, etc. It has been found that a certain mineral can help reduce these cravings. The craving will stop over time when as your gut microbiome regenerates into more healthy bacteria.
Read more about Chromium Picolinate here.

As far was what to eat exactly, it can get overwhelming with all the Keto calculators, percentages, etc. Don’t let that overwhelm you. Just start with reducing the amount of carbs you eat and slowing introduce more healthy fats and good quality protein. Eat whole foods, the more natural the better, all the keto processed foods now on the market are not that great. As they are processed foods. Keep it simple, if your great grandmother did not eat, you should no either.

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